Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Evolution Of Symbiosis

Evolution Of Symbiosis

Symbionts (Buchnera aphidicola) within a bacteriocyte of a pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum). The central object is the host nucleus. Buchnera cells are round and packed into the cytoplasm. (Credit: J. White, N. Moran, University of Arizona / PLoS Biology)

The aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum depends on a bacterial symbiont, Buchnera aphidicola, for amino acids it can't get from plants. The aphid, in turn, provides the bacterium with energy and carbon as well as shelter inside specialized cells.
Symbionts (Buchnera aphidicola) within a bacteriocyte of a pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum). The central object is the host nucleus. Buchnera cells are round and packed into the cytoplasm. (Credit: J. White, N. Moran, University of Arizona / PLoS Biology)
Such interdependent relationships are not unusual in the natural world. What is unusual, report Helen Dunbar, Nancy Moran, and colleagues in a new study published this week in the open access journal PLoS Biology, is that a single point mutation in Buchnera's genome can have consequences for its aphid partner that are sometimes detrimental, and sometimes beneficial.
The authors probe Buchnera's and A. pisum's ability to tolerate heat. When exposed to high temperatures, Buchnera is supposed to activate special "heat-shock" genes whose products help to protect proteins from heat-related degradation. By using microarrays to assess activity of A. pisum and Buchnera genes, the researchers discovered that after a four-hour exposure to 35 °C temperature, some of their laboratory strains of Buchnera upregulated the heat-shock genes, but others did not.
Further analysis showed the genetic basis for the difference: a single missing nucleotide in an adenine-filled stretch of DNA, called a promoter, that's involved in activating the heat-shock gene. Testing at a range of temperatures from 15 °C to 35 °C showed that activation of the heat-shock gene was consistently lower in the lines with the missing nucleotide than in the normal bacteria.
What does this mean for A. pisum's ability to tolerate tough conditions? To answer that, the researchers asked whether exposing juvenile aphid hosts of Buchnera with either long or short promoters to four hours of high temperatures (35 or 38 °C) affected their ability to reproduce. They found that few of the aphids with bacteria bearing short promoters reproduced after the heat treatment, while those with bacteria bearing the longer promoters had no trouble. In addition, aphids that had been exposed to the high temperatures and had the short-promoter-bearing bacteria weighed less as adults and had far fewer Buchnera inside them than did their counterparts with long-promoter-bearing bacteria.
Given these seemingly huge disadvantages to dropping a single adenine, it's hard to believe the mutation could last long in a Buchnera population. Yet, by sequencing and comparing the Buchnera associated with various A. pisum lines, the researchers discovered that the short-promoter option had arisen and been fixed twice in laboratory stock and was also found at frequencies of 21% and 13%, respectively, in bacteria in field-collected aphids from Wisconsin and New York.
Population genetic theory predicts that when a mutation is maintained in a population at high frequencies, it likely confers some benefit to its bearer. What could be the advantage of carrying a gene that causes one to lose the ability to reproduce at high temperatures?
A clue to the answer comes from the wild populations in which the mutation was not found: those living in Arizona and Utah. Could the bacterial mutation confer a competitive advantage that's only relevant in cooler climates? To find that out, the researchers performed a second test using a range of four-hour exposure temperatures. They discovered that short-promoter bacteria-bearing aphids produced progeny faster than did the normal ones when raised at 15 °C or 20 °C. Thus, though aphids containing bacterial symbionts with the heat-shock-promoter mutation fare worse than normal aphids after exposure to high temperatures, they do better under cool conditions, giving the mutation a selective advantage that causes it to be maintained in the population.
In addition to their explorations of A. pisum and its Buchnera, Moran's team also looked for and found multiple-adenine stretches related to heat-shock genes in Buchnera symbiotic with other aphid species. This offers fertile ground for further study of the intriguing interplay among aphids, bacteria, and temperature.
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Study: Muscle Stem Cells From Females Work Best

Study: Muscle Stem Cells From Females Work Best
Stem cells taken from the muscles of female mice are better at regenerating tissue than those taken from male mice, a new study finds.
This revelation could have a major impact on the development of stem cells as therapies for many diseases and conditions.
The discovery came when scientists who had done many studies with these muscle stem cells realized that all of the ones they had used came from female mice.
They then did an experiment with both male and female cells to see if they would perform similarly.
Muscle breakdown
Embryonic stem cells can divide to become any type of cell in the body. Muscle stem cells, which come from adult tissue instead of an embryo, are more specialized and limited in what they can become.
The researchers injected stem cells from healthy mice into mice that had a disease analogous to the human genetic disease Duchene muscular dystrophy, which affects one in every 3,500 to 5,000 young boys in the United States, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. link to

Monday, April 9, 2007

What are Antibodies ?

What are Antibodies?

Antibodies, also called immunoglobulins are large y-shaped proteins which function to identify and help remove foreign antigens such as viruses and bacteria.
In mammals there are five main types of antibodies including: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM. There are 4 IgG and 2 IgA subtypes present in humans.
Antibodies are created by plasma cells which are derived from the B-cells in the immune system. Due to the fact that antibodies exist freely in the bloodstream or bound to cell membranes, they are said to be part of the humoral immune system. Every different antibody recognizes a specific foreign antigen. This is because the two tips of its "Y" are different to each antibody are allow different antibodies to bind to different foreign antigens. When the antibody binds to a bacteria, it tags the microbe or virus for attack by the immune system such as killer T-cells. Sometimes, antibodies can directly neutralize the foreign body. The production of antibodies by B-cells is the main function of the humoral immune system.
Autoimmune disorders can usually be traced to antibodies which bind the body's own proteins or epitopes, and these types of antibodies can be detected through serological blood tests. Due to the amazing specificity of antibodies, they have some important practical applications in both medicine for the detection of HIV and other viruses in blood, and in research to purify and detect proteins in the study of molecular biology. For example, currently medicine is using biotechnologically designed monoclonal antibodies which work as an antibody therapy. These methods are being employed recently and are the result of numerous clinical trials in a number of diseases including cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Exploring Life

Welcome to biology, the scientific study of life. You are becoming with biology during its most exciting era. The largest and best-equipped community of scientist in history is beginning to solve biological puzzles that once seemed unsolvable. We are moving ever closer to understanding how a single microscopic cell develops into a complex plant or animal; how plants convert solar energy to the chemical energy of food;how the human mind works; how various forms of life network in biological communities such as forest and coral reefs; and how the great diversity of life on Earth evolved from the first microbs.

  • The biosphere; this is our first view of the biosphere which consist of all the environments on earth tha are inhabited by life The biosphere includes most bodies of water ; most regions of land ; and the atmosphere to analtitude of several kilometers

  • Ecosystems As we approach Earth's sirface for an imaginary landing in Ontario' we can begin to make out a forest with an abundance of deciduous trees. Such as deciduous forest is an example of ecosystem. Grassland, deserts, and the ocean's coral reef. All of Earth's ecosystems combined make up the biosphere.

  • Population A population consist of all the individuals of a species lining within the bounds of a specified area. For examples, our Ontanio forest includes a population of sugar maple trees and a popukation of American black bears. We can now refine out definition of a community as the set of populations that inhabit a particular area

  • Organism. Individual living thing are called organisms. Each of the maple trees and the maple trees and other plants in the forest is an organism, and so is each forest animal such as sheep, squirrel, bear , and insect. The soil teems with microorganisms such as bacteria.

  • Organ and organ systens The structural hierarchy of life continues to unfold as we explore the architecture of the more complex organisms. A maple leaf is an examples of an organ, a body part consisiting of two or more tissues . Stems and roots are the other major organs of plants. Examples of human organs are the brain, heart, and kidney. The oragans of humans and other complex animals are organized into organ systems, each a team of organs that cooperate in a specific fuction.